Winter Bliss!

Winter finally arrived in eastern Kansas!  It’s snowing!  The first “real” snowfall we’ve had this winter.  The skies are grey.  The flakes are floating downward like little angels falling from the heavens.  It’s beautiful………from a distance.   A warm, flake-free distance.   I’m pleased to experience the beauty of the season from within the warm walls of my studio.  It’s a great day to be inside! From my vantage point, the little white flakes appear joyful as they join their comrades in creating a pristine, white blanket, enveloping our little piece of the world.  A vast, white blanket with bare, Read More

GO STATE! (Quilters!)

If you belong to a local quilt guild, you know how wonderful being in a group of kindred artists can be.  Quilt guilds are such a fabulous way to expand one’s knowledge of the art of quilting.  And, the inspiration and local friendships, not to mention the offspring of smaller stitching groups, that blossom from such a membership are invaluable! But, have you ever considered joining a state-wide quilt guild? I have fairly recently joined the Kansas Quilters Organization (KQO), the state quilt guild of Kansas.  Additionally, I have the privilege of being a member of their Board of Directors, Read More

Umm… Speaking of Stash…

OK, I’ve just been looking around my studio…………You know that phrase “She who dies with the most fabric wins”?  Well, there’s no doubt that I’m a contender!  Seriously.  Everywhere I look, there’s fabric.  Batiks, reproductions (Civil War and 30’s!), florals, plaids, stripes, polka dots, juvenile, latest and greatest, oldies but goodies, pre-cuts, yardage…………..FABRIC!!!  Every color of the rainbow.  Most organized (in some fashion).  Some, well, not-so-much. Not that I’m complaining, mind you.  I’m crazy about my fabric!  Every time I cut into a new (or newly- discovered-in-my-stash) piece of fabric, I get that rush – that feeling of anticipation as Read More

Geometric Chaos… In a Really Good Way!

I’ve spent a portion of today doing what I do for a portion of nearly everyday:  piece together fabric shapes into blocks; blocks into quilt tops.  Love, love, love doing that!  Today has been one of those “flitting” days – moving from project to project.  A little time with this project, a little time with that project (because I never have just one project in the works at a given time!).  There is geometric chaos on my cutting table.  Today, within the confines of my studio, I have traversed both time and space. I began the day working on a Read More