We are all multi-faceted individuals, and there are many words that help to describe who we are.  Some words that will give you a glimpse into who I am:  woman, mother, daughter, wife, friend, Nana.  A few others:  QuirkySimple and complex LoyalCompassionateCuriousStubborn (sometimes).  Independent (always).

More descriptors:

Quilt-maker:  For more than 30 years!  Whew!  I LOVE making quilts!!  Favorite parts of quilt-making?  Designing, fabric selection, and construction.  Least favorite?  BINDING!!!  So, a while back my DH, Jeff, offered to whip stitch my bindings if I’d just show him how!  I did.  He does (at least sometimes!).  He is a “rock star of a quilter’s husband”!!!  Favorite technique?  Machine-piecingespecially sewing set-in seams (“Y-seams”) by machine.  Why?  Because I can use less-usual shapes to create less-usual blocks and quilts.  My personal mission?  Convincing quilt-makers that sewing set-in seams by machine is not hard!!!!   The key is knowing where to start and stop.  My book coverAdding this one, simple technique to your quilt-maker tool box opens up a whole new world of block and quilt possibilities!!So, I wrote this book:  Hexagons, Diamonds, Triangles, and More:  Skill-Building Techniques for 60-Degree Patchwork.  I still enjoy all kinds of patchwork (curved piecing, partial seams, 90 and 45 degree angles…….), yet I am absolutely wild about working with 60-degree shapes!!!!  (Yes, I’m a math / geometry nerd!!) So, I guess we can add passionate, geek, and obsessed to the list of my descriptors!

Other techniques that I love?  1)  Machine quilting (domestic and longarm).  I’ve been machine quilting on my domestic machine since about 1996, and longarm quilting since late 1997.  2)  Machine applique’ (Fusible technique and invisible technique.)

Teacher:  One thing that I LOVE every bit a much as making quilts is teaching quilt-making techniques!  I’ve been teaching quilt-making for more than 20 years.  My motto?  “Have quilts.  Will Travel!”  I find great joy in traveling all over teaching quilt-making techniques and project classes to other quilt-making enthusiasts!!  My teaching philosophy? There are many paths to the same destination!  We’re all wired a little differently. (Some say I’m wired very differently! LOL.)  So, I show my students what has worked better for me and why.  When feasible, I offer alternative ways of doing things.  Then, I encourage my students to play and find what works better for them to achieve the desired outcome, all while having a good time!  Of course, my very favorite thing is teaching in a classroom full of quilters.  And, I also have a class on Craftsy for those who can’t be with me in the classroom. You can see a “trailer” for my class,  “Piece Any Project:  Conquer Challenging Seams”.  In it, we explore partial seams, set-in seams, and mitered borders, and so much more!  You will find descriptions of my presentations / trunk shows here, and some of my workshops here.  New projects are being developed all the time, so having a conversation to explore options is always fun!  Let’s add flexible, encouraging, and fun-loving to the list.

BERNINA Ambassador:  I love being a BERNINA Ambassador because I LOVE my BERNINA machinesNO FLAG---Brand Ambassador Badge (2)(Yes, I have more than one…….)  To me, BERNINA is synonymous with precision and quality……two adjectives that I appreciate and aspire to achieve in my quilt-making.  I love the stitch-by-stitch control that I have with my BERNINAs.  I also appreciate the consistent, quality performance that I can rely on from one BERNINA to the next!  WASAmbassadorIcon_150x150Being a BERNINA Ambassador has been a joy because I have the opportunity to officially gush about BERNINAs, and because I have met SO many amazing and talented persons through the BERNINA Ambassador program (BERNINA USA staff and educators, other BERNINA Ambassadors, and many wonderful students, to name a few).   In addition to acquaintances, many lovely friendships have developed, and they enrich my life!  I’m adding appreciative and happy….

You now know more about me.  I’d love to hear about you!  Please introduce yourself in the blog comments.  And, if you’d like to follow my blog, please “Like” and follow me on Facebook at Kelly Ashton:  Quilting Lectures & Workshops.  If you do, FB will let you know of new posts!

AND, you can get to better know many BERNINA Ambassadors throughout this week as we “blog hop”!  You will find a list of the blog-hopping Ambassadors below with links to their websites and/or blogs and their email addresses.  Special thanks to Teri Lucas for organizing this hop!

Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by!



If you’re a shop, show coordinator, or guild program chair, please know that each one listed below is available to teach!

Monday March 20
Lynn Carson Harris harrislc@gmail.com
Kelly Ashton kelly@kellyquilter.com
Diane Doran info@dianedoran.com
Melody Crust melody@melodycrust.com

Tuesday March 21
Kathy Delaney kathy@kathydelaney.com
Christa Watson christa@christaquilts.com
Mandy Leins mandalei@gmail.com

Wednesday March 22
Sandy Fitzpatrick hissyfitz@earthlink.net
Beth Ferrier beth@applewd.com
Cheryl Sleboda cherylsleboda@gmail.com

Thursday March 23
Annie Smith annie@anniesmith.net
Lori Kennedy lckennedy@hotmail.com
Kari Carr /kari@newleafstitches.com
Catherine Redford catherine@catherineredford.com

Friday March 24
Joanne Sharpe / jzsharpe@yahoo.com
Cherry Guidry cherry@cherryblossomsquilting.com
Jenelle Montilone jenelle@trashn2tees.com


10 responses to “Descriptors: Quilter, BERNINA Ambassador, and more….”

  1. It is nice to meet you! You have done so much in your quilting/sewing life. I also have been quilting for many years (40+). I have not accomplished near as much as you have. I started hand piecing and quilting. In the last 5 years I have been doing and learning machine quilting. I wish I had started earlier but will keep at it.

    • Hi, Janet!
      It’s nice to meet you! You know, I think we all, at some time, wish we’d started something sooner than we did. Isn’t it wonderful that we have interests that we love so much that we wish we’d spent even MORE time with them?!?!

      What is your favorite technique?
      Wishing you happy stitching!!

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