Meet Kelly ( As in Kellyquilter... )
Watch VideoA little about me... and How Kellyquilter came to be.
As a self-described “pragmatic quilt maker”, Kelly approaches quilt design and construction with a knowledge of and an appreciation for the theoretical and a penchant for the practical. Her mid-life realization that she truly may not live long enough to use all of her fabric stash has propelled her into “turbo quilt making mode”! Kelly’s quilt designs range from “quick and easy” to “challenging”, thereby providing offerings to quilt makers with a wide range of skills and experience. Many of her designs are “pre-cut friendly”. Kelly loves to teach, and she readily shares with her students the discoveries that she makes along her quilt-making journey while encouraging her students to make discoveries of their ownKeep Reading...
Shop Kellyquilter Books & Patterns... Templates... Other Good Stuff
Heximaniac Patterns... Patterns for the Hexie-enthusiast!
What is a Heximaniac™, you ask? A Heximaniac™ is an obsessive enthusiast for all things Hexie-related! Kelly Ashton (author of Hexagons, Diamonds, Triangles, and More) is, without question, a Heximaniac™, and she’s proud of it! If you are interested in hexagons and related 60-degree shapes, then you just might be a Heximaniac™, too! Whether you piece your Hexie-shapes by machine or by hand (traditional hand piecing or English Paper Piecing) Kelly will provide lots of inspiration and instruction for using these fascinating shapes! Learn More...