Winter finally arrived in eastern Kansas!  It’s snowing!  The first “real” snowfall we’ve had this winter.  The skies are grey.  The flakes are floating downward like little angels falling from the heavens.  It’s beautiful………from a distance.   A warm, flake-free distance.   I’m pleased to experience the beauty of the season from within the warm walls of my studio.  It’s a great day to be inside!

From my vantage point, the little white flakes appear joyful as they join their comrades in creating a pristine, white blanket, enveloping our little piece of the world.  A vast, white blanket with bare, black tree-skeletons emerging from the snow shroud being created.  I’m struck by the simple awesomeness of it all.

This mostly black-and-white scene beyond my window is in stark contrast to the very colorful mayhem of my studio.  In every direction are splashes of color in the form of quilts at various stages of creation.  Piles of fabric-yet-untouched-waiting- for-just-the-right-project to patchwork-pieces-ready-to-be-joined-together toblocks-being-auditioned-for-their-perfect-place-in-the-quilt-top to quilt-tops-ready-to-be-quilted to quilts-awaiting-their-binding-and-labeling (admittedly, my least favorite part of the process).

So today, as the little, white, frozen flakes float to the ground beyond my window, I am delighted to bask in the warmth of the fabric rainbow that surrounds me.


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