vintage-shirting-blog-hop-button-300x300Throughout my quilting journey, I have met some pretty amazing quilt-makers!  Many are acquaintances, yet I have the true privilege of calling some of them “friend”.  Such is the case with Barb Eikmeier, the extraordinary quilt-maker / teacher / quilt designer AND fabric designer; the one who designed this lovely fabric line of Vintage Shirtings & Dress Prints for Paintbrush Studio.  Thank you, Barb, for inviting me to “hop”!

If you haven’t already “checked in” to participate in this hop, you can do so here:  Inspired by Fabric.  You won’t want to miss the “check-in” because, in addition to the blog-hopping fun, there are some great prizes available to be won by some lucky participants!

I selected the Evening Star block for the hop.  It is a beautiful, traditional block, so it certainly fits perfectly with the Vintage Shirtings & Dress Prints.  I chose this block for its beauty and because it provides the opportunity to work with both half-square and quarter-square triangles.

I am a “pragmatic quilt-maker”.  That means that I believe that there are many ways to the same destination, and my way is NOT the only way!  I also believe there are very few hard and fast “rules” in quilt-making.  Yet, I know that, practically and pragmatically speaking, there are some things that simply “work better” than others.  That is certainly true when deciding where in a block to use a half-square vs. a quarter-square triangle.  At the end of my post, you will find a link to download a PDF of written instructions for this block that includes more detailed information about half-square and quarter-square triangles.

Let’s get started!

006 (2)005 (2)

As you can see, I’ve made the Evening Star block in two color ways.  I’ll outline the piecing by referencing the blue, red, and cream combination, the higher contrast block of the two.



The Evening Star is made with nine-patch construction:  four of the “patches” are this blue and cream pieced unit,032


four of the “patches” are this red and cream pieced unit, 036



and the center patch is one fabric square (blue).  4


Rotary cut the following:

From the blue fabric (Fabric A):  one square, 4 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ (center patch of the block)

                                                    four squares, 2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″ (small star points)


From the red fabric (Fabric B):   two squares, 5 1/4″ x 5 1/4″ (large star points)


From the cream background fabric (Fabric C):

                                                    two squares, 5 1/4″ x 5 1/4″

                                                    four squares, 2 7/8″ x 2 7/8″

                                                    eight squares, 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″


Cut all of the 5 1/4″ squares (red squares and cream squares) in half diagonally in both directions.  Cutting the square in this fashion “quarters” the square, yielding four “quarter-square triangles” from each of the       red and cream 5 1/4″ squares.

quartered square019


Cut all of the 2 7/8″ squares (blue squares and cream squares) in half diagonally in one direction, yielding eight blue and eight cream half-square triangles.018





Blue and Cream Pieced Unit:  Gather two blue and two cream half-square triangles and two cream 2 1/2″ squares.  Sew one cream and one blue half-square triangle together into a half-square triangle square.

Make 2.  Press seam toward the blue.023


Sew each half-square triangle square to a 2 1/2″ cream background square.  Press seam toward the cream square.  Position the units as shown and sew the center seam.  Press the seam to one side.030

Make a total of four blue and cream pieced units.032


Red and Cream Pieced Unit:  Gather two red and two cream quarter-square triangles, positioning them as shown.034


Sew one red triangle and one cream triangle together; repeat with the remaining two triangles.  Press seams toward the red triangle.035


Sew the center seam; press seam to one side.  036

Make a total of four red and cream pieced units.

Position the eight pieced units and the 4 1/2″ blue square as shown.9 patches


Sew the three top units together into a horizontal row.  three rows

Repeat with the next two sets of units.  Press the seams of the top and bottom horizontal rows toward the outside; press the seams of the center row toward the center square.


005 (2)


Sew the three horizontal rows together, creating the Evening Star block.  Press seams to one side.  Enjoy your beautiful block!


006 (2)
My second Evening Star block is a lower contrast block.  I love having the navy blue as background, using the lighter value light blue and grey fabrics as the star / star point pieces.  For this combination, Fabric A = grey, Fabric B = light blue, and Fabric C = navy.

Here’s the link to the PDF instructions for the Evening Star block.


If you’re ready to continue the hop, then head over to Inspired by Fabric  and sign up to follow their blog (either by email or blog reader).  Then, come back here and let me know you’re signed up by either leaving a comment below OR leaving a comment by contacting me.  Also in your comments, let me know which of my blocks you liked better:  the high-contrast (blue, red, cream) or low-contrast (navy, grey, light blue).  By doing so, you’ll also be enrolled in a drawing for my giveaway (a copy of my book:  Hexagons, Diamonds, Triangles, and More).Book  Be sure to include your email address so we can contact you if you win!  The drawing for my book will take place next week.


Here are the list of bloggers for the Vintage Shirting & Dress Print Blog Hop.  Be sure to collect all the blocks from these talented quilt-makers!!

Vintage Shirting & Dress Prints Blog Hop Schedule:

Thursday 4/14: Blog Hop Introduction

Friday 4/15: Barb Eikmeier @Barb’s Favorites

Monday 4/18: Donna Lynn Thomas @DonnaLynnThomasQuilter

Tuesday 4/19: Kelly Ashton @KellyQuilter

Wednesday 4/20: Reeze Hanson @MorningGloryDesigns

Thursday 4/21: Sally Schneider @SallySchneider

Friday 4/22: Theresa Ward @AlwaysQuilts


craftsy_spot_logo_RGBAnd, for a special price on my Craftsy class:  “Piece Any Project:  Conquer Challenging Seams, check it out via my affiliate link:




Happy Hopping!!









97 responses to “Vintage Shirting & Dress Prints Blog Hop – Day 3!!”

  1. I love both blocks- but since that red print is one of my favorites from this line I’m voting for the high contrast block. I follow Inspired by Fabric on bloglovin. Thank you!

  2. I receive the Inspired by Fabric newsletter & I am drawn to the high contrast block in red, blue & cream.

  3. Hi
    I love the low contrast block – very nice!I really am drawn to blue blocks – think a blue quilt was one of my first quilts That I attempted to machine quilt! I am signed up with Inspired by Fabric!

  4. I do follow Inspired by Fabric and have for quite some time. I like the high contrast block best and stars are my favorite. Thanks for being a part of the blog hop and sharing your creations. Rina – edrin1932 at

  5. I follow the inspired by fabric blog. I like the high contrast block. Love how it pops on the light background fabric.

  6. I follow Inspired by Fabric. I love your high-contrast block. Thank you for the great detailed tutorial. Thank you for the inspiration and the giveaway. janie(dot)mccombs(at)yahoo(dot)com

  7. I have signed up to follow the blog. I like both colorways, but and leaning a little bit more toward the red, white and blue.

  8. Love the look of the red, white aNd blue evening star block. I am a subscriber to inspired by fabric newsletter. Thank you for sharing projects.

  9. I’ve signed up for the blog following. I love red,white, and blue quilts, so obviously I love your rwb block. Very, very pretty.

  10. I have been looking for a community like this where I can learn something with good clear instructions and then buy the materials if I am interested. Thanks!


  12. I love the high contrast block the best. Nice job with the tutorial. thanks for sharing the giveaway. I follow Inspired by fabrics via bloglovin!

  13. I love the high contrast block. But to be honest I think they are both lovely. I follow inspired by fabric via bloglovin

  14. I adore the high contrast block….I’ve followed Inspired by Fabric via email for some time now. Thank you for the pdf….


  16. I follow Inspired by Fabric via Feedly. Love your block – the high contrast red/white/blue is my favorite – thanks for the tutorial & the chance to win.

  17. I follow Inspired by fabric on bloglovin. I like the high contrast block better, since I’m a fan of bright quilts.

  18. I follow Inspired by fabric by email. Love the high contrast block, reminds me of a star with fireworks in the background. The lower contrast block would be great in a repro quilt. Thank you for a great tutorial!

  19. I love the high contrast block! Thanks for the opportunity to win. I already follow Inspired by Fabric via email.
    kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  20. I like both blocks, but i love red, so i have to vote for that block. I’ve been following inspired by fabric by email. thanks for the giveaway!

  21. I follow Inspired by Fabric through Blog Lovin.

    I love the red, blue and cream version of your block the best. It is easier to see the design to me

    Thanks for the great tutorial and the chance to win!

  22. Love them both..but the High Contrast caught my eye first! Just pops! Thank you for sharing, and also for chance to win your give-a-way too!:)

    I am already a follower of inspired by, bloglovin & pinterest.

  23. (sorry..messed up 1st comment..couldn’t see where to delete it)

    Love them both..but the High Contrast caught my eye first! Just pops! Thank you for sharing, and also for chance to win your give-a-way too!:)

    I am already a follower of inspired by, bloglovin & pinterest.

  24. I am a follower of inspired by fabric through email. I love the block design and i have to pick the high contrast. Very pretty.

  25. The evening star is a block that draws attention to it with it’s two layers of star points. I do like the high contrast Blue, red and cream the best. I follow the inspired by fabric blog. Nice job on your tutorial. Beautiful fabric prints aren’t they?
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  26. I follow them via email, and love both blocks. I’m enjoying the darker ones, too, but I normally make light backgrounds. It’s fun to see both. Thanks.

  27. I am really drawn to the low version of your blocks, but both blocks are fantastic. I already follow Inspired by Fabric via email.

  28. I like the high contrast best, but then I also love anything red, white, and blue. I subscribe to Inspired by fabric with feedly.

  29. Thanks for the pattern and tutorial, and I like the high contrast best. I follow Inspired by Fabric via email.

  30. I follow Inspired by Fabric on bloglovin. I love the high contrast block best. Thanks for the pattern and tutorial.

  31. Both blocks are beautiful, but I prefer the high contrast block. I follow Inspired by fabric on bloglovin. Thanks!

  32. Love this line of shirting fabric. your block is really cute. I already subscribe to Fabric-Quilt. Thanks. Diane Oakes

  33. Hello, I really like the low-contrast block…I follow inspired by Fabric by email…thank you for a lovely giveaway….

  34. Both blocks are beautiful, and I wouldn’t turn my nose up at either color way, but I prefer the high contrast. I love this block. Thank you for choosing it and for offering such a clear tutorial on making it!


  36. I follow Inspired by fabric by e-mail. I like the low contrast block. To me, it has the appearance of two overlapping stars, the one with the corner points behind the other.

  37. I signed up to follow Inspired by fabric via email. I like boTh color ways of your block but the high contrast red, white, and blue is my favorite. It really shows off the block design.

  38. I signed up! I like both styles of your block. Hard decision, but I will pick blue (if I have to pick).

  39. Love your blocks! The red, white and blue block is my favorite. Im a follower Of Inspired bY Fabric via BlogLovin. I love making hexies and fingers crossed for the win, heHe.

    Thanks for a chance to win.


  40. Hi, again, I wanted to let you know that I would love a copy of your book on hexagons! I am a beginner quilter and bought my first layer cake of the Bee Creative by Deb Strain. I want to make hexagons with IT because of the obvious, Bee hives are hexagonal, but have never made HEXAGONS!

  41. I follow inspired by email. Love your low contrast block, thanks for giveaway, it would be fun to learn to make hexagons.

  42. I really like both blocks. If I had to pick, I would choose the high contrast of the red, white and blue since I am working on a Quilt of Valor right now. I follow inspired by fabric by email.

  43. Veldig motiverende artikkel, men synes det virker skummelt å hive seg på styrkerommet når man er vant til de kjedelige apernatpade:( Redd for å gjøre feil og for at andre skal stirre på meg.

  44. Do you think there is anything to the idea that bisphenol a (BPA) could affect implantation? I’ve had two failed IVFs (with lovely embryos/blasts), and I’m wondering if it was because I drank from an old Nalgene bottle all the time and ate lots of canned vegetables (BPA leeches out of the liner in the cans). I know some research about BPA was presented at ASRM recently – do you think it’s something to consider?

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  46. Ein freues neues Jahr an alle fans und natür­lich an Sie, Frau Furt­wäng­ler!Genauso wie Nicole würde es mich inter­res­sie­ren ob es mal ein Fan­tref­fen geben wird?Außer­dem ein rie­sen Kom­pli­ment an diese neue Home­page und an ihre Videos und an ihr Enga­ge­ment diese seite betref­fend !!Ich habe mir vor­ge­nom­men sie diese Jahr mal irgendwo zu tref­fen *lach*!Liebe Grüße Anna

  47. Much Respect Kevin. Glad to hear from ya, see your putting some size on. I don’t think most people are trying to be harsh, a few are, some of us are just I guess dissappointed with not seeing as many videos as before, but with time comes change and I was probably in the wrong. I have much respect for you and look forward to seeing you put up that 405 again!! As always, Stay motivated!

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