Isn’t it interesting how our preferences morph over time?  When I was in my 20’s and 30’s, I’d happily set my alarm for the wee hours of Friday-after-Thanksgiving to stand in line for some coveted item offered for a “nearly-too-good-to-be-true” price!  Open at 4:00 am?  No problem!  I’m there!  Freezing rain and 40-mile-an-hour winds?  No biggie!  Masses of humanity shoving, pushing, trampling???  Bring it on!!  I am woman!  I am invincible!!!

Then, in my 40’s (and beyond), I decided:  no way!  I’d much rather be snuggled up in my warm bed – at least until 6:00 am –  than brave the cold or the cold-hearted.  Plus, I had the internet!  The very convenient, shop-in-my-jammies with my hot chocolate experience, anytime day or night solution to standing in any line anywhere!

Now, I would never begrudge anyone the joy and exhilaration of experiencing the Black Friday shopping frenzy.  If that’s what gets your heart pumping and your adrenaline flowing after all the turkey tryptophan of Thanksgiving, I say “more power to you”!  Yet, I love that we have options!  (Like internet shopping and letting the dude in the brown truck drop my boxes at my door.)

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So, here’s an internet Black Friday deal for you:  ALL Craftsy classes are $19.99 or less!!!  WOOHOO!!  You can purchase for yourself AND you have the option of purchasing classes for gift!  This is the gift that keeps on giving:  unlimited views for life of classes that teach you to do something that you’re interested in and love!!!  And, I’m talking EVERY class:  quilting, embroidery, cake decorating, cooking, painting, knitting, and on and on!!!!

Use this link to enjoy your Black Friday shopping from your comfy chair, with your cuppa joe………….in your jammies, if you wish!!  Enjoy!!!

P.S.  Here’s your piece of relatively useless trivia for the day:  In the photo cluster to the left, my block and hands are in the upper right quadrant;  in the photo cluster to the right, I’m rotary cutting in the lower right photo.  🙂  Cheers!